Monday, September 30, 2013

Reflections on anime and cartoons

For the last few weeks, I have been pondering on an age-old question; why did I take this class (i.e. animation history)? What compelled me to take a class on the comedic talents of Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse? Why was Coraline a much better film than Pocahontas? Why did I write such a long review for Princess Mononoke? These questions are hard to answer, but as I thought about it, taking a class on animation history would be neat and cool. Anime and cartoons have always fascinated me because they provide entertainment, moral lessons, education, drama, and comedy. In my opinion, anime and cartoons provide not only entertainment and escapism, but also a window into the creative imagination of the human mind.
Believe or not, my first experience with the movies was when I was 5, when my parents took me to see Don Bluth’sThe Land Before Time (see picture below), in 1988. Ever since than, I have always enjoyed going to the movie theaters and getting lost in these wonderful animated treasure troves. Disney films and Don Bluth films were always at the top of my list when I was younger to go see because I felt that they were well animated and had entertaining plot lines and characters. As I got older, I discovered anime and my love for animation solidified even more. In fact, anime or Japanese animation has become my favorite form of 2D animation because of the details that Japanese animators pay attention to when animating a series or a movie.

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